Aqua, a member magazine for the Swedish Swimming Federation
Everybody, a member magazine for The Body Shop (Sweden and Denmark)
Everybody, a member magazine for The Body Shop, Sweden and Denmark
Inside, a staff magazine for ICA, Sweden and Norway (the magazines won several design prizes).
Mersmak, a member magazine for Coop
Provinsbanksjournalen, a member magazine for Danske Bank
Inblick, a staff magazine for ABB, Sweden
Kunden, a client magazine for ABB Sweden
Detalj, a client magazine for BeDeGe
Reflektion, a client magazine for VMG
Client magazines for Atlas Copco, Securitas and PWC
Tough Viking, a client magazine for Tough Viking
Annual reports for Traction, Industri Kapital and Six
Annual report for Diös (this also function as market material for the entire year with a design closer to a magazine (a three-time gold winner in the Swedish design prize).
White paper for Naturvårdsverket (The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency)
White papers for BioInnovation
White papers for RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden)
White papers for Innventia
White papers for Jernkontoret (Swedish steel producers' association)
Whitepapers for Electrolux
Chili magazine, a custom magazine for Swedish school kids